All Together Now

Last Sunday, I quoted the poem “The Dash,” which calls us to live our lives (as represented by the “dash” between the date of birth and date of death on one’s tombstone) mindfully, purposefully, and well. It is a stirring reminder to cherish the time we have in this incarnation, and to choose our mindset thoughtfully.
At this challenging time in our country, we can each ask ourselves: Am I remaining centered in the truth of Oneness, or falling prey to my ego? Do I know, deeply know, that Divine Order is unfolding for the highest good of all? Am I showing up as a beacon of light, love, and hope?
Challenging times challenge our faith. Yet our true selves, Spirit in us, knows that consciousness is rising, awakening is occurring, awareness is expanding. Unity cofounder Myrtle Fillmore once advised that, in times of difficulty, “Be thankful in advance for the good you know will come of it.” As we continue to affirm and expect the good, it expands before our very eyes.