Give Yourself a Day of Silence

Mondays are my Sabbath day, and this week I spent it in a particularly meaningful way: I observed a day of silence. For me, that meant no technology (no TV, phone calls, radio, electronic games, etc.), no social interaction, and a focused dedication on realigning with Spirit. I made it a “spiritual spa day,” including meditation and prayer, HeartMath, visualization, inspirational reading, a leisurely nap, and a hot bath.

The effect was remarkable. I have been on silent retreats before (something I hope to offer at Unity Renaissance soon) but I never realized how restorative one day of quiet could be. It felt long and luxurious – even timeless. At the end of the day, I felt whole, re-energized, and grateful.

We live in a noisy world, both inside and out. When we turn down the outer noise, we also quiet our inner chatter. We experience not only peace, but a sense of spaciousness, and new possibilities.

If you can’t spend a full day in silence, even a morning, afternoon, or evening can make a big difference. As we immerse ourselves in the quiet, we rediscover the depth of our blessings, the wonders around us, and the joy of being alive.