The Clear, Compelling Testimony of Mary Magdalene

Jehanne deQuillan, translator and publisher of The Gospel of the Beloved Companion: The Complete Gospel of Mary Magdalene, visited Unity Renaissance recently. I have frequently mentioned the impact this gospel has had on me. It is the clearest, most beautiful, inspiring gospel I have ever read. The teachings of Yeshua (Jesus) shared by Miriam the Migdalah (Mary Magdalene) lay out a compelling step-by-step path to awakening. Here is what reviewers have said:
“If you had a personal letter from Mary Magdalene, telling you clearly of her life with Jesus, of his path to spiritual enlightenment, of his death and his true resurrection, to his most trusted Companion, this Gospel would read like just such a letter; a personal, intimate account of his life by the First Apostle.” — Marge duMond, Copy Chief, The Atlantic
“What a gift Jehanne de Quillan brings us in this extraordinary book! This startling Gospel with its lucid translation and clear, objective commentary brings us to the very heart of Yeshua’s message. If we have the ears to hear, it will change forever the way we read and understand ‘the good news.'” — Kathy Spaar, Washington National Cathedral
“Although claiming she is not a scholar, deQuillan, with technical accuracy, lays out a flawlessly logical and philosophically sound argument for accepting this document as the true Gospel of Mary Magdalene, and possibly even that upon which other gospels, both canonical and gnostic, are based.” — Rai d’Honoré, Doctor of Medieval French Literature.