Community Outreach


A community uplifted and empowered through our love and compassion


Community Outreach actively touches lives by giving from the heart, through service and donations.

Team Leaders

Debbie Farrell & Lynn Kline

Outreach Initiatives

Please refer to the current calendar on our website for information on these events.

Prayer Support

Letter writing: Congregants are invited to write notes of support and encouragement to people incarcerated in Virginia corrections facilities.

Supplies Collection: Contribute books, Bibles, Daily Word and Unity Magazine, and other products that facilities and individuals may request from time to time. We have also collected hygiene products for returning citizens, to be distributed by Probation and Parole officers.

Returning Citizens: Assist returning citizens with re-entry as needed in the individual circumstances.

Support for Schools and Students

School Supplies Collection: Contribute backpacks and school supplies for children in need. July and August.

Tutoring at Thurgood Marshall Elementary School: Help us serve our “adopted” school by tutoring young children once a week. (Currently on hold.)

Tutoring at Oscar Smith High School: Help struggling students pass their classes and their Standards of Learning tests to advance and graduate from high school. (Currently on hold.)

People Experiencing Homelessness or Food Insecurity

Breakfast on the Streets: Meets at 6 a.m. the first and third Saturdays of each month to feed the homeless in Norfolk, Virginia. Sponsored by Norfolk Catholic Worker. Meet at Sacred Heart Catholic Church (between Virginia Beach Blvd. and Princess Anne Rd., one block east of Monticello Ave.).

Chesapeake Area Shelter Team (CAST): Unity Renaissance provides and serves a dinner to the homeless once each winter.

JCOC Community Dinner: Prepare and serve a meal at the Judeo-Christian Outreach Center for their residents, the homeless, and others experiencing food insecurity.

Panera Bread Distribution: Pick up surplus food donated by Panera, and deliver to various organizations/shelters.

Supplies Collection: Donations of socks, hygiene products, etc. from time to time as needed.

“No Child Wet Behind”: Diaper Drive during the month of May, in honor of Mother’s Day, we collect diapers for the Greater Hampton Roads Diaper Bank.

Seasonal Activities

Angel Tree: Contribute gift cards and gifts to foster children who submit their wish lists. December.

Stuffed Animal Collection: November & December. Distributed to children and adults in need of comfort and support.

Christmas Caroling at Virginia Home for Adults: Brighten the holidays for those less fortunate.