Living Curriculum Philosophy

Unity’s Living Curriculum philosophy affirms that the curriculum is not within any book or guide, but rather lives within the children themselves. Myrtle Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, was the inspiration for this foundational belief. Myrtle saw each child live the Truth principles through his or her own soul’s unfoldment.

As spiritual educators, we are here to guide our children and youth on their spiritual journey and to help them to recognize their own Divine nature. In the words of Myrtle Fillmore, “We are here not to entertain the children, but to call them out.”


Mission & Vision


We provide a safe, nurturing environment for children and teens to know their oneness with God and with all of humanity. Through affirmative prayer, meditation, relevant curricula, and the application of positive, uplifting spiritual principles, we help each child grow in confidence, self-esteem, compassion and spiritual understanding. Each child is supported and accepted just as they are.


Our Youth Education Department is committed to helping youth awaken to the presence of God within them and discover their own infinite potential. Through classes and activities, the children explore and experience spiritual principles that can help them lead more meaningful, harmonious, and fulfilling lives. Each child is a unique expression of God, with unique gifts to give the world.

Our programs are age-appropriate and sequential, so the youth move from one level of understanding to the next. All curricula are based on positive, practical, progressive Christianity, though spiritual principles from other faith traditions may also be shared.

Unity's Five Principles (For Children)

  • God is absolute good, everywhere present.
  • Our essence is of God; we are inherently good.
  • We create our life experiences through our way of thinking.
  • We commune with God through prayer and meditation.
  • Knowing these principles is not enough. We must live them.

Sunday Classes

The typical format for a Sunday lesson includes:

  • Sacred Circle: An opening circle for community building and connecting.
  • Story Sharing: A story, lesson or experience is shared to create common ground.
  • Discussion: Through questioning and individual sharing, learners explore the meaning of the story and how it relates to them.
  • Creative Experience: The children are invited to explore and express their thoughts and feelings through a creative exercise.
  • Sharing: After the exercise, the children share ideas and insights.
  • Closing: After a closing prayer with their classmates, the children join the adults in the sanctuary for the singing of our Peace Song.