
The Gospel of Thomas with James Scott, LUT

(Pre-approved elective) Thomas is a gospel of the sayings of Jesus, most of them directed at the disciples, with an amazing focus on the present moment and the unity of all. Considered the Fifth Gospel by the fellows of the … Continued


The Gospel of Judas with Richard Mekdeci, LUT

(Credit pending) The Gospel of Judas is a Gnostic gospel whose content consists of conversations between Jesus and Judas. Judas is portrayed  as a willing ‘part of the plan’ of Jesus’ purpose, and not the ultimate betrayer that he is … Continued


The Essenes and Unity with Connie Skidmore

(This class is not available for credit) The Essenes  were a sect of Second Temple Judaism. They existed prior to the birth of Jesus and after his death. Scholars continue to find connections with Jesus’ life and family and the … Continued


The Gospel of Phillip with Richard Mekdeci, LUT

(credit pending) The Gospel of Philip is best known for its portrayal of the physical relationship shared by Jesus and his most beloved disciple, Mary Magdelene. Because it ran counter to traditional church dogma, this gospel was suppressed (and destroyed … Continued