Wednesday, March 5, 2025
“If you can’t feed 100 people, then feed just one.” ~ Mother Teresa. We CAN feed 100 people! Would you like to bond with your Unity family in providing a meal for those who are experiencing homelessness or food insecurity? The meal will be prepared in our kitchen on the afternoon of Wednesday, March 5, 2025. Guests will be served that evening at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, while the JCOC’s new facility is under construction. There are many different ways to participate: donating food or money, food prep, baking, driving meals to Mt. Olive, distributing meals to clients, etc. Families with children ages 10 and up are welcome, and youth ages 16 and up can volunteer on their own. To participate, please go to Sign-Up Genius or contact Lynn Kline. As Jesus said, whatever we do to the least of our neighbors, we do to Him.