“We Are Here For You”

Dear Friends,

The holidays can be wondrous and joyful, but can also bring up feelings of sadness or grief. This year, because we are more isolated and apart than usual, the season may be particularly difficult for many.

At this pivotal time, know that your Unity Renaissance family is here for you. The Board, staff, and volunteers are making extra efforts to be of service. Board members and I are calling hundreds of congregants to check on them; 300 Christmas Care Packages have been distributed; volunteers are supporting individual families in crisis; the Prayer Chaplains and Congregational Care Team are making calls; affinity groups (such as the Unity Sisterhood and Mighty Men of Unity) are meeting to support one another and our community; and gift cards are going out to those in need. We also have a full range of meaningful holiday events and services coming up to bring us together.

I would also like to extend a personal offer to any of you in need. If you would like prayer support, spiritual counseling, or just someone to talk to, I am here. You may reach me at church (757) 420-5280 Tuesday through Thursday or anytime by email (revpaula@unityren.org) to set up a time to connect. We can meet via phone, over Zoom, or in person at church (masks and social distancing required). Whether you request a personal appointment or not, know that you are always in my heart and in my prayers.

This holiday season, all of us at Unity Renaissance are sending you abundant love and well wishes. You are a bright, beautiful expression of God, treasured, worthy, and shining brightly! May this be a time when we remember what is most important: The love we share, and each other.

Much love,

Rev. Paula