Join Us for a  Weekend of
Personal Transformation through
with Daniel Nahmod

Daniel Nahmod, an internationally acclaimed singer, songwriter, producer and performer known for his poetic and evocative music and lyrics, will lead a Weekend of Personal Transformation through Music at Unity Renaissance in Chesapeake, Virginia Nov. 12-13.

The weekend will kick off with a live concert at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12, debuting Daniel’s latest CD, CORNERSTONE: Songs of Comfort and Courage. It will continue with Daniel’s music in the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday services on Nov. 13, followed by a two-hour workshop, BE LIKE WATER: Finding Peace of Mind in Turbulent Times.

Purchase Tickets to the Daniel Nahmod Concert

About Daniel

Daniel Nahmod has performed his remarkable range of pop, inspirational, comedy, jazz, country, and children’s’ songs to more than one million people throughout the U.S. and Canada. He is one of the best known and most beloved artists in the New Thought movement. His heart-opening original songs such as “One Power,” “Empty Hands,” “Love is My Decision,” “My Soul is Welcome Here,” and “Everything New,” are commonly sung in Unity churches and at Centers for Spiritual Living. Daniel is also known for the international hit “I’ll Remember You,” that reached No. 56 on the CCM national charts, and “You Could Be Fred,” a top-selling CD from Blue Note artist Jackie Alle. Nahmod’s inspirational lyrics transcend world religions and cultures. His music has been licensed to American Idol, the Super Bowl, the Today Show, and Saturday Night Live.

Daniel is in high demand for his music and spiritual insights and has worked with noteworthy spiritual leaders including Jean Houston, Marianne Williamson (“A Return To Love”), Deepak Chopra (“Seven Spiritual Laws of Success”), and Mark Victor Hansen (“Chicken Soup For The Soul”).