“The Really Good News”

March 30th, 2018

Dear Friends,

On this most holy of Christian weekends, beginning today with the notably misnamed “Good Friday” on which Jesus was crucified, we revisit the series of events that became foundational to orthodox Christianity: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Good News of Easter was that “He has risen!” — that the Son of God overcame death and lives on as our Savior.

In Unity, we interpret these occurrences a bit differently. We celebrate Easter as the inspiring conclusion of Jesus’ earthly life and ministry. We share in the Good News that life continues after death, and that our Way Shower is still with us. But for us, the Really Good News is what Jesus taught during his life, vs. what others taught about him after his death. The Really Good News is that the Kingdom of Heaven is right here, right now, if we have eyes to see and ears to hear it. The Really Good News is that we are loved, we are worthy, and we are powerful beyond measure to create the lives and the world of which we dream. The Really Good News is that, as Jesus said, “What I have done you shall do too, and greater things still.”

This Sunday, I’ll address how Jesus taught resurrection — dying to the old and being born anew — not just through his death, but throughout his life. And I’ll share a different perspective on the empowering lessons he left behind, from a voice too long suppressed: that of Jesus’ Beloved Companion and partner in ministry, Myriam the Migdalah, whom we call Mary Magdalene.

I look forward to an uplifting Easter Sunday with all of you!

Much love,

Rev. Paula

P.S. Many thanks to all who contributed to our sacred and beautiful Maundy Thursday service last night, including Tom Baker, Richard Mekdeci, our fabulous prayer chaplains, and assistants Marcia Austin and Paul Mitcham. Tonight we shift gears with a festive celebration of Holy Week with the showing of “Jesus Christ Superstar” at 7 p.m. Details below!

“Jesus Christ Superstar” Tonight (Good Friday) at 7 p.m.

Join us for this showing of the original film of the classic rock opera, and come ready to sing along! Wear ’70s garb if you so desire. Cookies and juice will be served. Enjoy this spirited launch of Easter weekend.