What a challenging week this has been for all of us, as our nation grapples with how to humanely protect our country’s southern border while honoring the human rights of all people. My heart, like so many others, has been broken by the images and recordings of children separated from their families. I affirm our country is moving in a better direction now, and that we will ultimately do the right and moral thing — but I can’t help noticing what a clear example this is of the competing forces of love and fear. Love leads us in one direction; fear in another. Which do we follow?
According to Jesus and other spiritual masters, the heart is meant to lead. Guided by love, we recognize the inherent worth of every human being. Guided by love, we feel compassion for the least among us. Guided by love, we embrace the ethic expressed in every major religion through its own version of the Golden Rule: To do unto others as we would have them do unto us.
Jesus told us to love one another. This is an excellent time to remember that.
It is also an excellent time to come together as a spiritual community. I hope you’ll join us for a Global Meditation for Peace and Healing this Sunday evening, as we take part in meditation occurring across the world. You may participate at Unity Renaissance, or from home on Sunday, June 24 at 5:30 p.m.
Your love and consciousness are needed. Together, we can make a difference.